Cadillac Repair: Heating on 89 Eldo, Auto theft claims master, denied auto theft claim denial expert forensic consultant

Your previous answer was  that mode door under the dash is not functioning properly. You said there might be pinched or problematic vacuum line. Is this line you have  indicated is this under dash or on the firewall or possibly both areas to look at. Does the Climate control panel in the dash pop out  or do we need to try an look from the back of dash from the floor board? Is this vacuum pump something most garages have or would this really  I be looking at dealer for repair?


A hand held vacuum pump might be available at a local parts store for about $20. Explain to them what you are trying to do and they may be able to help you.
The mode doors are under the dash inside the car.
It's been a very long time since I reomoved one of these heater controls. Look for hold down screws for the  dash plate.  Very gently, try to pull the dash plate. There will be 4 screws behind the plate and heater control can be pulled out.
In fact, remove that before buying vac pump pull control out. If there is a cable which I don't think there is on that vintage, the heat mode door is controlled by the cable instead of vacuum.
I do believe on yours it is all vacuum.
Any questions, get back with me.
