Cadillac Repair: 90 caddy fleetwood Cpu, Auto theft claims master, Tredway

QUESTION: My baby is my car and it needs a new cpu where is it located on my car and how do I do the replace and reinstall my dad left me with homework I can't seem to find on Google I'm a novice and my dad has 20 plus years and will be helping when I get to the replace and reinstall ... again the Cpu that talks to the Transition thanks

ANSWER: Not sure what you are calling a CPU. This vehicle has either an ECM (Electronic Control Module) or a BCM (Body Control Module) located in the right kick panel or under the passenger side of the dash.
How did you determine what the car needs? This is the old OBD1 system that was replaced with OBD II. A standard still being used today.
The problem with the old system like in that vehicle is people try to diagnose the problem with the diagnostic flashes in the dash. Unlike the OBD II which will pin point the problem, the old system will tell you the circuit failure, but not the exact component. It was a horrible system to work with even as a seasoned GM Tech.

Tell m the whole story that leads you to believe that you need a computer and maybe I can help.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The car was passed down second hand it's climit and fuel century used to alternative flashing and now they have turned off completely the fuses were just done and my caddy doesn't like going in to passing gear with out loosing all its GO! WE CANT OUT RUN TRACTOR! then at other times it is fine my mom's mechanic did a diagnostic said it is not the transition but the computer that's so post relay the information to the auto tranny so I need to know where this computer is located so it can be replaced


As I had stated, it's located either in the passenger kick panel inside the vehicle or under the passenger side of the dash. You won't miss it. Will have 2 to 3 harnesses running to it with about 50 wires.
