temp gage
QUESTION: Sometimes my car runs hot around 3/4 but the air sometimes is cold then it gets warm then it gets cold ? sometimes the tempt runs at 50% ? it tends to jump around a lot but never overheats ? For the record the AC is cold .Is this normal ?
ANSWER: Hello,
It sounds like you have a restriction in the cooling system. Pockets of air could also cause this problem. The car is old enough that if not done, you need a radiator flush anyway and see if that will do the trick. This is a power flush I am referring to.
The A/C is a completely different system to the heating system.
You do not want to over heat the engine not even a little bit because it is aluminum and will self destruct!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Great answer and lets hope this is the solution. If this doesn't solve the situation then what would be my next step? Could it be the water pump / thermostat? It's obvious it's the water not flowing through the engine properly. Just want to be ready for the next step. My local mechanic wanted to change the pump but it's a big job & I do not want to do any unnecessary work so this is why i asked the question. Thank you so much for your attention to this matter..
Joseph Humphreys
ANSWER: Hello,
Be ware of parts changers. I do not believe this is a thermostat problem, but everyone with any overheating issue changes it first on the Cadillac aluminum engines, only to find out they were wrong!
This from your description has erratic temperature fluctuations and this is simply not consistent with a thermostat issue. Steady low or high might be, but not erratic.
I suppose an argument could be made for sticking closed or open, but chances are pretty non existent.
You may want to run a pressure test on the cap to, because if faulty, the system may not circulate properly.
If this was a water pump impeller with a blade broken off, I would not expect erratic behavior. The point that I feel is crucial is this is not a steady high or low temp. Something may be lodged in a cooling jacket or radiator moving to a certain point and then causing the issue.
I still suggest a power flush and checking the pressure on the cap and then go from there if you have o. You are not throwing out good money after bad because after 3 yearsthe coolant/antifreeze is starting to turn acidic anyway.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have a New Radiator . Seems to be working . Thank you for your attention to this matter & have a happy holiday & a good new year :-)
Outstanding! Cadillac has had cooling system flow issues since 1982 when the first aluminum engine was introduced. It didn't take much to get a restriction in the radiator or cooling jackets causing heat issues as well as over heating problems to the engine. The engine that one dare not over heat even a little bit before the engine started melting and the first thing to go was to blow head gaskets.
I am glad this vehicle got fixed for you.
Happy holidays to you and yours as well.
God Bless!
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