Cadillac Repair: heat problem, auto theft forensic consultant, auto theft claims investigation expert
QuestionI've change the upper line AC sensors , change the climate control, change the computer behind the glove box , change the thermastat and still blows cold air the car has been sitting for bout 4 years note I didn't flush the system antifreeze but saydrained half out n refilled with new stuff as I let ran to get air bubble out. So the dash says service AC and the climate control switching from auto to econ every time please email n let me know what the problem is?its 1991 Cadillac sedan Seville 4.9
I am afraid you may have to flush the system. You did not say if the radiator hoses got warm, or if you found the inlet heater hose warm/hot. The cooling systems on these Cadillac aluminum engines have small water jackets and get restricted, and heater cores get plugged.
The firs thing you need to know is what is getting hot in the cooling system.