Cadillac Repair: thermastat housing, auto theft claim denied, auto theft expert

Were is it located on a 85 cadallac eldorado 4.1


Just follow the upper radiator hose from the radiator to the top of the engine and that is where the housing is. If you have a overheating issue however, you have a 99.9% chance that the thermostat is not the problem.
The Cadillac aluminum engines are great for economy and performance, but they can not be overheated even a little bit. If the temp is above 220, components are melting. These engines have very small cooling jackets and something as small as a piece of silicone from old gasket material can plug the cooling systems. The head gaskets are the first to blow when the engine is over heated, but this is the effect and never the cause. Cooling fans that do not function in city driving will cause overheating.
If you are having an overheating issue, I can give you a number of ideas as to where to look.