Cadillac Repair: 1998 deville, auto theft denial case consultand and forensic locksmith
QuestionI ran out of gas and put about 4 gallons in the car then used carb cleaner and it started but would not stay started seems as if the battery may be looseing power cause car wold not turn over after 4th try i just bought car help ???
Fuel injected vehicles can be subject to problems when driven until the tank is empty. Everytime ignition is on and engine not running, the electric fuel pump is runninig. What commonly happens is the fuel pump while on having no fuel will suck air (cavitate) and burn up. The fuel tank has to be removed to replace the pump.
Without being at the car it is impossible for me to confirm this event in your situation, but your discription would be consistent. As for the battery there are too many variables I can't consider without being at the vehicle, however it is not the source of your problem.
Your discription leads me to believe it is a fuel delvery problem if the engine runs with the carb cleaner. I believe you need a fuel pump.