Cadillac Repair: reset engine light for 2006 ford taurus se, New Orleans auto theft denial case consultant, herb miller.
QuestionHow to reset the engine light after I replaced air flow according to the code given from auto zone guys who used the tools when they hook it up to the car.
I find it interesting that Autozone had the equipment to diagnose a problem and yet not to reset the system. The only way you are gong to reset this system is with a Ford NGS (New Generation Star) electronic diagnostic scanner or equivalent.
You do not even want to unhook the battery because you will lose your key codes and the engine will no longer start until an NGS or equivalent is used to reprogram the keys.
These computer systems are not owner friendly. They are designed to go to the dealer or a service center with the proper equipment.
Its so common for people to thing they can reset an engine light like that of rebooting a computer. Unfortunately in most cases the owner cannot turn these lights off by a simple reset.
The problem with Autozone is that most people there are not technicans and they are merely parts changers. I have seen my share of incorrect diagnoses from these parts store. I am not saying that is so in your case and you will find out when a scanner is put on the car.
Good luck!