Cadillac Repair: pass key fault, auto theft SIU investigation euo denial expert, key of the proper type

QUESTION: Turn key nothing but lights a bell sounds is there a way to bypass itq

ANSWER: Hello,

Year, make and model please.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 93 fleet wood  brom.


If the engine will not start, you can tilt the column in different positions and the broken pass key (VATS) wires should go back together so you can start engine.

A new ignition lock and harness from a dealer is $700 installed now and will fail again.

Call around to alarm stores and see who has the resistor pack (VATS bypass kit) and have installed which bypasses this junk for good. Alarm store shouldn't charge over $60 total.

I can go into detail as to how to bypass, however it can be tedious without knowing what you are doing.