Cadillac Repair: Dead Bettery After 2 Days, auto theft siu investigation euo denial expert, key pathway
QuestionHello. I recently acquired a used 2005 Cadillac Deville. The car died the first 24 hours after taking it home. At first we thought it was the battery since we found the battery that was inserted in the car was the wrong one and much too small. We purchased a new battery and the car lasted 2 days and died again. Our local mechanic ran a diagnostic test on the car and can’t find anything wrong. The car starts and runs fine as long as you use it every day. If it’s left for 2 days without starting it goes completely dead. There’s obviously a shortage somewhere that’s draining the battery that’s not easily detectable. Any help or suggestions you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I’m ready to wave the white flag. Disgusted and frustrated is an understatement.
This is a easy diagnoses for parasitic draw--remove the positive cable from the battery and do this: Insall a test light between the positive cable and the positive battery post.
Remove dome and courtesy fuse first and disconnect hood light. If the test light is on, you need to start removing and replacing fuses to see what circuit is going to turn test light off.
The reason I have you removing the dome and courtesy light fuses is with the assumption you will have the door open when testing.
If the only time the test light will light is with the dme and courtesy fuses in and door closed, that is yopur circuit which the cigar lighter and glove box and trunk light are located. if that be the case, you need to start removing bulbs with the test light illuminated until you find the source.
Good luck!