QuestionQUESTION: I just replaced my wheel cylinders. The problem I am having on the left rear passenger side. When I go to bleed the brakes the left rear wheel cylinder keeps popping out and the brake adjuster clip keeps popping out. The rubber and the cylinder come out. If you would like I can give you a picture. The right side is doing perfect. I am also bleeding them with the drums off.
ANSWER: If you could, send me a photo.
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wheel cylinder
QUESTION: Here is the picture hope it helps.
ANSWER: Hello,
OK, if the other side is still apart, can you take a photo of that as well? If not, I need a photo looking downward from the brake shoes and then emphasis on the spring that goes across holding both brake shoes together. I think I see your problem, but want to know for sure. My email is
[email protected]
I will get you fixed up.
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QUESTION: I finally figured it out. The spring that holds the adjuster was stretchet and once I pinched it back together I had no more problems. Thanks.
I knew the problem was with a spring. It looked like the top spring.
This should not have happened though and it is telling me that top spring is stretched out from age.
Hardware kits are relatively cheap and when the springs get like that the springs and pins should be changed to prevent problems in the future. Hardware kit is only $20-$30 bucks. What if the springs break or the pins break? Happens commonly on old cars. Then you have the problems with the wheel cylinder again. or worse in which the brake shoes won't release.
I just don't like having to do work two times. That is my thought.
Good luck!