Cadillac Repair: 1990 Fleetwood Cadillac Front Wheel Drive, State farm auto theft claim SIU investigation EUO expert, key pathway expert
QuestionI am having difficulty finding someone who rebuilds ABS brake assembly. I have a 1990 Fleetwood Cadillac front wheel drive. I live in Ohio. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
There appears to be many places on the web that you can get a remanufactured set up, but those prices seem steep.
If it were my car, I would contact some local auto salvage yards and go used. Your main concern is that the replacement is the same brand, and the name should be on the units.
Cadillac did use different manufacturers for their anti lock systems. I believe there were two brands and for the life of me I can't remember the names.
Good luck!