Cadillac Repair: cadillac 2004 sensor issue, flawed key pathway last key used process, NETS

My 2004 cts increases rpms while in park and the idle goes fast and slow at times. The power is also weak at times while driving. There hardly a pick up in speed. Does this sound like an idle sensor or throttle sensor issue based on your experience?


Unfortunately, when dealing with computer systems, guessing can be very costly and time intensive.
The computer has hundreds of different issues that it will attempt to compensate for. What happens if you change the idle sensor and still have the same issue? Then you change the throttle sensor and the problem is still there? You wasted your time and your money guessing.
You ask me what I would do based on my experience, which is over 30 years of being a tech. Here is what I would do. I would pay $30 for a factory service manual which can be uploaded instantly at This way you will know how to change whatever is defective.
I would then take the car over to a reputable larger service facility (not a dealer) and have them do the diagnostics with their scanning equipment. This way, you should know exactly what has failed and what heeds to be replaced. Yes, you end up paying for the diagnostics, and you can elect if you want to replace what is defective, but this way you are not guessing. Your symptom could be caused by a variety of issues including a computer. You are dealing with a symptom here and not the cause.

Good luck!