Cadillac Repair: 1992 cadillac deville valve cover, Nashville forensic locksmith, st louis forensic locksmith

I had spoken to you about a 1992 cadillac deville oil on the oil pan. You had told me it could be the valve cover or the rear main seal. What would I have to buy to fix the valve cover. Also how hard is it to chang what ever I have to on the valve cover.

Thanks for all the help you have given me.


You have two valve covers. The first thing I would do is tighten as I described on the trans pan being careful not to break the bolts.
Changing the gaskets is easy. It's what you need to remove to get to them. Send me a photo of the front and rear vc and I can tell you how bad a job it is.

As for parts, all you need is a tube of high temp RTV at the parts store.
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