Cadillac Repair: 97 seville sts, Fresno forensic automotive, natfs credibility issues

Ok so I turn my car on roll down my driver window then went to roll
back up but it didn't want to roll up. I goto check the fuse nothing I play
around clean up around the fuse box so I goto turn my car back on she
don't start not even a crank nothing no lights no power. Now I check to
see if theres power on the battery there is I check the fuses with a tester
there no power running to the fuses what you think could it be?


Without correct diagnoses you could guess yourself to death, change many parts and never find the problem.

Windiw circuits do not have fuses. Circuit breakers are used.

I am very limited in answer content here because all I can go by is your discription which is very vague.

If you have a fully charged battery and there is no power to the vehicle, I would be looking at the wiring at the starter. In tjis wiring is something known as a fusible link. To test, there are a couple ways. If you remove the power wires, one is the battery cable, another is the main power supply for the car. If you pull on this wire and it feels rubberry, the fusible link is blown. You can go to the parts store and get a new link.
Install the new oneand you should have power to everything.
