Cadillac Repair: 1989 cadillac eldorado, Vats,
Questionmy car sometimes does not start.charging system is fine.twice it has said wait 3 min.every other time it doesnt say there a inexpensive way to disable the anti-theft system?this is really annoying.
This vehicle is over 20 years old and I did not remember if the VATS was in the Eldo in 1989. They first started using in the Deville in 1990.
If you have a resistor chip in the key blade, you can take the car to any alarm store and they have bypass kits for this system. The kits are included in every alarm that is capable of remote start in which the VATS has to be bypassed for that.
Call around and see who has the "Vats bypass kit."
If you bypass, you have no security and it takes less than 30 seconds to steal your car with a screwdriver. Old cars are stolen all the time. When you get it bypassed I would recommend a hidden starter kill.