Cadillac Repair: cadillac sts 1997 hard to start in the moring, cant risk, cadillac sts
Questionif i let the car sit for more then 6 hours i cant start it the first time it needs a min of 2 to 3 times to start the car, my mechanic tells me its maybe the gas filter but he not sure soo you guys know nothing comes cheap on a Cadillac should i change it or is it something else that makes not run on the first turn please help me i just put a lot of money into her and i cant risk to pay something that wont fix it
Sounds like a guess on your mechanic's part
I find it a little hard to believe that the problem is a gas filter and sounds more like a fuel pump in the tank losing its prime.
Of course I cannot guaranty that is the problem without being at the car physically to perform pressure tests.
Let's put it this way, a plugged fuel filter will cause hesitation, it will cause many things, but it won't control losing its prime and that is exactly the symptom you are giving me with car not firing up cold.
There should be constant pressure with the ignition on and yet you don't have this or the engine would start cold.