Questionwe bought our 1999 caddie from a toyota dealership (used) and had to had to have them install a new blower to get the air conditioner to work. everything a-ok for a few months then, boom... blower not working anymore and don't trust them to fix. what to do?
There are many symptoms the same, but the problems could be different.
The problem with getting a different make than the dealer sells can be an issue.
Could be a bad blower motor again. These days, parts are not as reliable as they onve were. The quality is not there any more.
If the blower motoe and fuse are good, car has to be scanned at GM dealer with what is
known as a tech 2. Scanning the computer system will diagnose the problem. This car has a number of computers in it. One being for the a/c and blower system. You could very well have a bad computer and Toyota has
no way of diagnosing such a problem.
Since the early eighties to present Cadillac has had three serious and common problems. Heater blower problems since 1980. Anti-theft issues since 1990-always answering problems with that little pellet in your ignition key and most common 1982-2010 never, never, never operate the emgine with the temperature gauge past 3/4 or you may end up paying over $4,000 for a new engine. There are no good engines available because of overheating.
I love Caddys. Have owned over 20. They are a great car!
I just wanted to give you a heads up on common problems especially not to drive it hot as so many people do costing them thousands
You will like the car. Lots of power and great mileage
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