Cadillac Repair: 1997 cadillac dumping coolant, radiator cap, head gaskets

i have a 1997 caddilac seville. it dose not over heat but the coolant dumps i have changed the raidaitor it had a little leak. i dont think its the water pump or thermostat just cause it dosnt over heat. i dont want to change everything cause i wanna know what the prob is. the watter is comming out of the over board tube on the res.


Hi Matt,

My first thought is head gaskets.

All the Cadillack aluminum engines since 1982 have had coilant system/ overheating issues at one time or another and one cannot buy one of these engines used because they are usually junk.

I cannot diagnose your coolant discharge problem without being at the car. As I stated, these problems have been going on for close to 30 years.

One cheap possibility may be as simple as a radiator cap and could be a head gasket issue.

In the event a radiator cap does not fix this, you need to take it for diagnoses to a local service center. Do not go to the dealer!

Cadillac is problem in the first place, because as I said, cooling system problems have been continual for close to 30 years. Worse yet, it wasn't one problem, but numerous problems. Some very severe costing over $4k to fix.