Cadillac Repair: 98 cadillac deville, class action lawsuit, cadillac deville
Question1998 cadillac deville will start but only run for about three seconds. the info panel wont work the radio wont come on the climate control wont work trunk release or fuel door wont work either. it was runnin fine then those thins all stopped and it would still start and drive for the rest of that day the message theft system problem cer may not restart and something about an air bag and it wont run lomger than a few secomds now. yhe dealership says its the ignition but they never looked et the car now the baterry is dead so i have to charge it and see if i cant figure it out
Without being at the car, there is no way I can diagnose it.
My suggestion to you though is to make sure you have a good battery.
As for the dealer stating it is an ignition problem, make sure they put it writing that if they charge you $500 for the ignition that they guaranty that is the problem and no matter what you won't be charged a dime more. They are incompetent to give you an answer like that.
If you want to bypass the VATS go to an alarm store. They have bypass kits. You need to have a hidden starter kill switch installed at the same time.
bypassing this junk system that GM deceived its consumers using that verbiage. The manufacturer did not just misstate the effectiveness. They outright lied and a class action lawsuit should be considered for misrepresentation.
With the system bypassed, you have eliminated any anti-theft related problems and you treat the car like it was never installed.