Cadillac Repair: 2004 Cadillac Deville used wrong key in ignition, cadillac deville, security light

I used the wrong key - key did not go into ignition, security light went on. I read the manual, looks like system shut down. The correct key will not go into ignition. It's my in-law's car, they're visiting from out of state.  HELP! Thank you so much, Denise


Sorry I could not get back to you sooner, but like many other fathers I had things going on this weekend.

I haven't any idea as to what you did here besides possibly damage the tumblers in the ignition lock. You need to contact al local locksmith to repair or replace the lock.

There is nothing in the ignition lock cylinder itself that has anything to do with the pj III transponder or factory alarm that could set off the security light damaging the system by inserting the wrong key.