QuestionI have an 88 cad deville my fuel data reads litres how do i get it to read gallons.
If the fuel gauge is reading metric, I would also think your speedometer is reading kilometers as well.
Its been a very long time since I sat behind this dash, but I believe that you will see a plastic button on the right side of the speedo indicating metric. Push the button and it should go back to the English version.
Now, if it is only the fuel gauge that is metric, you have one of 2 problems. A bady speedo clustr or a bad ecm-computer. Either of which can be very costly to fix.
In that event you will need an electical service manual from Cadillac for diagnoses or you can acquire all the same information by paying $25 to be a member for a year and download all the information for this specific car at for a year.
I use this site myself quite often.
Good luck!