QuestionI wrote to you about pass key problem,you solved it real fast, thank you.The same problem seems to be occurring.Is it possible that resistor I installed can blow,causing same problem?The resistor for bypass of pass key that you instructed to purchase to remedy.I hope you have an answer I want to hear, if not, I'm stuck again!No power,no lights, nothing!Battery is charged. HELP! Thanks, Ray.
You have something else going on other than the VATS. Although the no start symptom appears to be the same, it is not. VAT problem, all lights will work, just the engine won't turn over.
Here as you state, you have nothing which could be a corrosion problem at the junction block on the driver's side of the firewall, bad connections at the battery or something else going on. Without seeing the vehicle I could not begin to guess. All I can tell you with certainty it is not a passkey problem.