QuestionI have a 1990 Cadillac that I just purchased. I'm a shade tree mechanic looking for a second opinion.
I have to pump the gas to get the car to start and it spits and sputters while doing so but it will start and run.
Once it is started it idles fine and in fact it sounds pretty good. However, when I step on the accelerator it spits, sputters and I have to repeatedly tap the gas to get it going at any good rate of speed or just step on the accelerator and eventually it will get moving.
I'm thinking that it could be the rotor and I know it is an easy check to see just pop off the distributor cap.
My first question is if it isn't the rotor, what should I check next?
The reason that I'm really here is to ask this next question.
The same car. I need to replace the turn signal actuator. I know that I have to deactivate the air bag first and then use a steering wheel puller to take off the steering wheel.
Then I have to buy a special tool to remove the black metal lock plate that has an "O" ring holding it on as it is under pressure (so I have been told).
My question is where can I buy this tool (auto parts store, tool shop, online or a dealership) and is there a name for it?
Thank you for any help.
I can't help you on the engine problems.
I would like to know what your are terming a "turn signal actuator" because I have never heard of the term and I serviced thesecolumns close to 20 years. Are you referring to a boken canceling spring?
As for special tools to remove the clock spring and wave washer, I am not aware of such a tool other than a lock plate compressor. You need to be very careful not to over tighten the compressor on the plastic clock spring. Just tight enough so you can remove snap ring. Oncevremoved, pull out clock spring, but before you do, tape the outside and inside of plastic so it won't spin on you.
Use the compressor to tigjten down on lock plate enough where this snap ring can spin. Pry on snap ring with screw driver holding snap ring in place. Insert an awl into the opening of the snap ring and push on end and pry upward walking the snap ring up the shaft.
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