Cadillac Repair: 1961 Cadillac Cruise Control, cadillac cruise, cruise control module
QuestionI am rebuilding my Perfect Circle cruise control module in my 1961 cadillac. It has 4 multi-point star-shaped oval-head bolts, about 1/4 inch across. I can not find a socket to remove them - standard multi-point sockets do not work - 9/32" too small, 5/16" too large. Do you know of a tool that will work, maybe a 19/64" socket if they exist? Thanks for the help.
Not sure of what you mean by multi-point. Back then it waa 6 point, 12 point.
It may have been a Cadillac only back then. Kent-moore made the specialty tools for GM I believe.
Don't know if you have 12 point metrics, but you might find one close that will work. I would try a 12 pt 6 or 7mm. I might have a 19/64 socket laying around. I believe since I worked as a olds tech in the 70's that I had such a socket in 64ths. I know for a fact I have wrenches in 64ths which you can't buy any more.
Try the metric. If that does not work contact me at
[email protected].