Cadillac Repair: anti-theft not allowing my car to start?, foggy days, couple time
QuestionI have an 1989 deville 4.5. the past couple weeks i had a hardtime starting the car on foggy days. on a normal day before my recent problems i would have to usually try to turn the ignition twice before the car would fire up. now all i get is one click, then nothing am in the process of getting the starter and battery checked. but i recently noticed that the security light on the dash does not flash since the problem started. the battery has died a couple time from lights being left on. how can i check if this is the security system and/or is that something i can fix myself?
First, the vats igniton based theft deterrent didn't start in the deville until 1990.
Being you are descbribing weather related (fog) and just a clicking noise when trying to start, your battery or starter is defective. I don't know why your security light is on. The problem is that if you have addition issues with the factory security, you do have problems. I don, know anyp
one I know of has diagnostic equipment for a car this old and replacement partshave not been avalable for 15 years.
Your starting proem is not related to the security system as per your discription.