Cadillac Repair: lights flicker, left turn signal, light bulbs

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 1994 SLS. The problem I am having is with the lights. During the day the interior lights flicker and during the night the headlights flicker. Also, during the day the turn signals work fine, but when the headlights are on the right turn signal will not work. Thanks.

ANSWER: With the headlights ON, Does the right turn signal bulbs all illuminate but they just do not flash ON & OFF or do they do not even illuminate ?.

Turn ON your 4-way flashers (hazard lights) and walk around the car and see if any of the light bulbs are NOT working and if you find one that is NOT working, Replace it and let me know if this solves your problem.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: With the headlights on, the right turn signal bulbs illuminate but do not flash on and off. With the hazard lights on, all bulbs flash off and on.

with the RIGHT turn signal ON, Check to see how many lights illuminate in the front and back and then switch to the left turn signal and make SURE that the same amount of bulbs flash on and off as compared to the right side.

Somewhere on the right turn signal lights you have a burned out bulb.