Cadillac Repair: Error Code E52, cadillac deville, battery cable

QUESTION: I have a 93 Cadillac Deville that had to have a TPS replaced. It is still stalling when I try to start the car like it is not getting gas and when it is low on gas and I make an abrupt stop the car will shut off. The car gave me an error code E52 I am trying to figure out the meaning of this particular code.

ANSWER: E52 = battery voltage was disconnected from the computer.

Apparently you either removed the battery cable for some reason and or pulled the computer fuse out to inspect it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok! I did have to replace the battery. Could it be possible that the fuel filter needs changing and that is what causing it to shut off when i stop or when it gets low on gas and won't start right up initially?

The FIRST thing you need to dois to perform what is called a RE-LEARN PROCEDURE as when you disconnected the battery you wiped out the vehicles memory of how it is supposed to idle and we just need to perform a re-learn.

The second thing is we need to do a throttle body cleaning procedure.

QUESTION: WHY di you replace the TPS. Was it faulty or was this just a GUESS on your part in hopes of fixing it ?.

Please send an e-mail with your question and all this information to: [email protected]