Cadillac Repair: Fuel, electric fuel pump, fuel pump relay

QUESTION: How do I prime the fuel lines from pump to connection at fuel rails?

ANSWER: There is a fuel pump relay that is activated by the vehicles computer for 2 seconds which primes the fuel system just as you turn the ignition key to the start position. Once the engine starts the relay is bypassed and the computer runs a continous battery voltage to the fuel pump until the ignition is turned off.

WHY do you need to prime the fuel system ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I pulled the fuel tank out to the vehicle had sat a while and the fuel pump was clogged with old fuel. I took out the pump cleaned it with contact cleaner and used some penetrating lube. I then connected the power and ground and ran fuel through it, it worked perfect, place it all back in checked the power supply but still no fuel at the fuel rails under the hood? I thought if I could by pass the relay and connect power to the pump it would prime it to the rails.

Here is a test procedure to see if the fuel pump works when your problem occurs.

1. Remove the gas cap.

2. Listening very carefully with your head out the door and getting as close to the ground and listening at the gas tank.

3. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position ONLY, Do NOT try and start the engine. You should be able to hear the electric fuel pump motor run for only 2 seconds and then it will stop.

4. If you can hear it run for the 2 seconds and then stop, You do NOT have a fuel pump problem.

5. If you do NOT hear the fuel pump run for the 2 seconds and stop then the fuel pump or the relay is faulty and requires testing .

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