Cadillac Repair: Power Steering, flow control valve, high pressure hose
QuestionQUESTION: I bought a 93 Cadillac Deville about 2 weeks ago and the power steering went out about 2 days ago just driving down the road. I have refered to a Haynes manual but it has not help me. I have no idea what is wrong with it. I did check the power steering pump and it is working just fine. I will tell you that before the p/s went out the p/s fluid level was and the fill mark whether it was hot or cold and now it is over flowing. Please help.
ANSWER: Just HOW did you determine the pump is working just fine ?. The ONLY way to tell is to install a power steering pressure gage.
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QUESTION: I thought it would be working fine since when I had it in the air today and when I cut the wheel all the way it pulled on the motor plus it sounded like it was fine and when I did cut the wheel it started overflowing badly.
ANSWER: If you had a pressure gage on it. you would now for a FACT what the problem is.
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QUESTION: Could it be the power steering pressure switch?
AnswerNO, The power steering pressure switch is used to increase the engine speed when you turn the steering wheel.
You could have a faulty FLOW CONTROL VALVE which is located in the pump where the high pressure hose is attached. the nut on the high pressure hose goes into a larger 1" nut. If you remove the pressure hose and the 1" nut the FLOW CONTROL VALVE will be seen. You can TRY a new valve.