Cadillac Repair: new battery = car wont start, cadillac deville, faulty computer

QUESTION: My battery went bad on my 1992 Cadillac Deville. The car ran awesome but needed to be jumped. I bought a new battery and now it only turns over. Is there an anti theft or anything that would prevent it from starting because of the battery swap??

ANSWER: NO, There is NOT.

QUESTION: Are you getting spark to the spark plugs when you try and start the engine ?.

Suggestion: try spraying some starting fluid into the air cleaner and see if the engine tries to run and let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I did some research and found out how to pull codes. The code is E53 - Distributor signal interuption?? What would that mean?

This code is telling you that you have an ignition problem  caused by either one of the following:

pickup coil.

ignition module.

ignition coil.

faulty wiring from distributor to computer.

faulty computer.

This problem can be diagnosed and fixed by e-mailing you test procedures and pictures.

Since this persons website only allows ONE picture and you need SEVERAL, You need to e-mail your question to: [email protected]