Cadillac Repair: 1995 cadillac sedan deville, cadillac sedan deville, pin id

i own a 95 cadi deville 4.9 litre runs rough and weak..went 2 autozone and got a diagnosis because the check engine light was on...3 codes kept coming back...change oil...set timing mode....and washer fluid low....we just changed the oil and that hasnt changed anything....we have no idea what the "set timing mode" means or is trying to tell us about the car....could you tell me what that diagnosis indicates please?....i havent added washer fluid as yet but im assuming that its low and its secondary to any of my other concers....when i mash on the gas on this car it roars and sounds as if its coming from the front of the vehicle.....theres a slight wobble and or pulling in the steering as well....any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated....the car has a 175000 miles and is clean as a like to keep it and  fix it...

Your problem is either a short in the set timing circuit and or a fault in the computer.

NEVER EVER replace a computer until you make SURE that you do NOT have a grounded timing circuit or you will DESTROY the new computer.

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