Cadillac Repair: olds 88 vat system 1994, time constraints, kill switch
Questionwe parked car came back 30 min. later no start interior items work but will not turn starter over i jumped across starter terminal will turn engine over but wont run?
Most common problem was VATS wires break in Column causing repairs of either replacing ignition lock for $250-$500 or bypassing and putting starter kill switch in by yourself for about $130.00 including parts and consulting fees.
I average 10-15 of these issues a week and although the system is the same from 1986-2005, each vehicle has to be treated individually. I used to give this information out for free costing me many hours of court and consulting work and I just can't afford to take the time to walk people through the process.
This site of which I volunteer takes my time too, but I am not under the time constraints and I answer what I have time to.
If you want to bypass and keep the vehicle from being stolen, you can look for the bypass link at