Cadillac Repair: possible moon/sun roof Leak, moon roofs, vent tubes

Hi! My 94 SLS has a leak taht I can't quite find the source ot. Lately when it rains, my back floor boards fill up with water. I even got all the water all out  this morning and within a few hours I had standing water again. I think taht it could be my sunroof, but my headliner and areas surrounding the sunroof are dry. Could it be a seal or drain system? And if so, can I fix it myself? Thanks!


Water leaks are the worst next to a rattle to repair. You can have where a seam is not sealed properly in the front and it manages to fill the trunk.

First, the bad news is that your interior is now filled with bacteria and eventually you will have electrical problems because humidity goes everywhere.

No matter how good of shop vac you have, it will not remove the water from the steel floor and jute underlayment. Your car will stink in warm weather and you don't want to be breathing the mold!

The seats have got to come out. The carpet has to be removed, shampooed and sun dryed. The jute underlayment that will be soaked forever has to be removed. The rubber plugs have to be removed from the floor. Anti-bacterial soap should be used to clean the steel floor. Once dry, sprinkle baking soda, carpet freshner, whatever. Install new jute you bought from  auto upholstry store  (very cheap) then the carpet.  If you have cloth seats, you will want to shampoo them too.

None of this however can be done until you find the leak.

Send me details of the vehicle: make, model etc. Has it been in a collision? My personal email is [email protected] and maybe I can give you some ideas of what to look for. The moon roofs have vent tubes. One could be broken or plugged filling the car that way and you would never see a leak at the headliner.
