Cadillac Repair: sls problems, volt ohm meter, digital volt ohm meter
QuestionI have a 2001 sls that has an ignition problem. Sometimes, but not all the time I will turn the key to start and nothing happens. When I continue to try it eventually it will catch and start, sometimes it starts after i let go of the key. What is the problem?
AnswerThe most common fault is the 2 wires that attach to the ignition lock cylinder on the steering column which send the resistance of the ignition key to the PASS-KEY module. In most cases these 2 wires braek and make intermittent contact .
What you need to do is a simple test procedure using a DIGITAL VOLT/OHM METER which you can buy in WAL-MART or any auto parts store for less than $20.00 and then you need to e-mail:
[email protected] in order to obtain numerous pictures and test procedures to fix this problem.