Cadillac Repair: climate control and brake bleeding issue
Questionman i hope you can help me. car is a 1995 cadillac fleetwood Brougham
question 1. just bought car, replaced rear brake shoes "new hardware kit" and new wheel cylinders. I did this over probably a week long period... went to bleed brakes and nothing happens i mean i tried everyway to bleed them with 2 people- "pump pedal hold to floor, open bleeder" repeated over 10 times and nothing. no fluid no air nothing. noticed fluid blowing out of master ceylinder resevoir so possibly secondary is stuck? also did it with car running and also tried with resevoir cap on and off.. and no difference either way. 2 days into this attempted bleed. no idea on this one. someone told me to try bleeding front brakes first and then try rear again?
question 2 "most confusing"- bought car from young guy who had aftermarket stereo... when i bought it he removed his stereo and told me the original was in the trunk. my problem is the climate control does NOT work at all... no power nothing. he said it worked fine before he removed his stereo "dont know if this is true or not" i took out the original stereo to try and hook it back up to see if fixed anything but the radio has a special plug on it and where the plug should be on the car's harnes there is none only bare wires "from the aftermarket cd player install" they must have cut the plug off, so i cant hook up the original stereo because the car doesn't have the needed plug anymore/ and i have no idea where to get one... wires are differnet sizes and colors so i cant match them up either. my question is does the stereo or lack of one have anything to do with the climate control not working? I checked all fuses and all are good also checked wire harness and wires for climate control box and NONE have been molested in anyway. would installing a new cd player fix the issue or do i need a new climate control box for some reason? someone suggested computer issue with radio wires not being routed anywhere "computer thinks there is a short?"
AnswerThere is a specilal bleeding procedure that MUST be followed in order to get all the air out of the lines. You will need pictures and directives.
Due to the picture limitations of only allowing 1 picture on this persons website and you will require several.
does the stereo or lack of one have anything to do with the climate control not working? NO.
OK, Bothe problems are easily fixable if you have or know how to use a DIGITAL VOLT/OHM METER which you can purchase at Wal-Mart for $20.00.
You need to e-mail:
[email protected] due to the complexity of these problems .