Cadillac Repair: 96 Cadillac Oil Light problem, oil pressure switch, engine bearing

I have a 96 Cadillace Seville, Oil pressure light goes on when car has been running and I apply brake or slow to idle, lights, bells, stop engine. Car has oil and has been changed. Want to know what it could be before I take it in so I don't get ripped off, any idea? Thanks

IS or HAS the CHECK ENGINE light ever illuminated while driving the vehicle and or has any other lights illuminated or any messages from the message display center ?.

What work or diagnostics of ANYKIND WHAT-SO-EVER have been performed on the vehicle trying to fix this problem ?.

It is possible that you may have a faulty oil pressure switch, A faulty IDLE SPEED CONTROL MOTOR or excessive engine bearing wear due to age and mileage.

What you need to do is TEST the IDLE SPEED CONTROL MOTOR and check your oil pressure with an external oil pressure gage.

I have heard that some people were putting in heavier (thicker) weight engine oil in order to boost the oil pressure.