QuestionQUESTION: when trying to start i hear a chunk sound , replaced starter and still same problem . not battery , a week before this problem started the air compressor went out . right before the car wouldnt start , it would sound like it would start hard ,like something was putting a strain on electrical . got any ideas?
ANSWER: I am NOT trying to be RUDE, BUT, Unfortunately I am not psychic and can't imagine the following information about your vehicle:
The above would be a tremendous help.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: 95 deville 4.9 also checked and cleaned all connections and grounds
AnswerMake sure that the AC controls are totally OFF before you try and start the engine and see if you still get this noise.
Have someone watch the serpentine (fan) belt while you start the engine to see if it makes any erratic movement.
Possibilities are: bad pulley on one of the belt driven components or possibly a faulty BELT TENSIONER bearing going bad.
Physically remove the belt and turn all the pulleys by hand to make sure they turn easily.