Questionnot getting power to electric fuelpump
AnswerTry this:
1. You will need 2 people.
2. Remove gas cap and have 1 person listen at the gas cap opening.
3. You, Turn the ignition key to the ON position ONLY without trying to start the engine.
4. Your helper should be able to hear the fuel pump in the gas tank run for ONLY 2 seconds and then stop. DOES IT ?.
Since you NEGLECTED to tell me that you already performed the above test procedure, Unfortunately I am not psychic or I would have already known you already did the above test, You will have to excuse me for that.
The next step would have been to test the output circuit from the computer to the fuel pump relay and if we did not get any signal that would have told us that the fault was in the computer.
Next time when you ask a question let the person your asking WHAT you have already tried so that you don't waste our time as I can't say for anyone else, But I get 50 to 75 questions DAILY and TIMELINESS is in most times a little slow.