Cadillac Repair: 2000 Escalade, heater blower, heater fan
Question2000 Escalade heater fan quit working. Is there a specific fuse or relay to check?
You need to look at your owner's manual in order to determine the fuse location for the blower fuse.
If the fuse is good, you need to put in max A/c or defroster position with key on and go under the hood to check the heater blower for power with a test light or meter.
If fuse is good and there is no power at the blower, the most common problem on Cadillacs is the non-servicable resistor module which is also located on the passenger side of the engine area near the firewall.
These resistor modules have been a problem for Cadillac since the early 80's and replacement may cost upwards of $500 at the dealer.