Cadillac Repair: 1990 cadillac sedan deville odometer problems, digital odometer, volt ohm meter

QUESTION: My digital odometer and speedometer don't show any life. It's lit up and stays at
0. Just had my front brakes changed with rotors. A few days later the odometer
stopped working. Brought it back to my mechanic and he told me that all was
connected. did not want to go to the expense of him putting it on his computer.
Can you tell me what the problem might be? thank you.

ANSWER: Your problem is either a fault in the:

speedometer cluster.
a broken wire or connector.
a faulty ECM computer.

What you need to do is some simple test procedures if you or someone you know who Has a DIGITAL VOLT/OHM METER to perform these simple test procedures and have him/her

e-mail: [email protected]

for numerous pictures and directions on how to perform these simple test procedures.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the response. I also checked the codes. I'm getting E24 and E98.
The car idles roughly and I'm consistently loosing miles per gallon even on the
highway. I just had my distributer and rotor changed but it's still a problem.
Please help me find the answer.

When you enter into diagnostics to get the codes , After each code displays you should see either the letter (H)history or the letter (C)current. I need to know if the codes are history or current.

E24 = speed sensor and or circuit fault.

E98 = High engine rpm's when shifting from park/neatral to
     drive/reverse under idle speed control motor control.