QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2002 Caddy SLS. The battery will only hold a charge for about a week, then it is drained. It jumps starts okay, but the charge will only last for a few days.
I took it to Advanced Auto for a diagnosis and they said that both the battyer and alternator were okay. However, their the test did show that there was a 1.5 drain taking place somewhere in the car.
I let the car run for ahile, then turned it off. I felt the bulbs in the trunk, glove compartemnt and ubder the hood. Both the glove compartment and trunk bulbs were cool, and the hood bulb was blown.
Help! Any suggestions on what is happening. I even took it to a dealer and they couldn't find the problem.
ANSWER: Hello,
Actually, relatively easy to find, at least the circuit and then the work starts!
With a meter or a test light between the battery at the positive cable, remove the positive cable and put the meter or light between cable and post. The draw will be seen. Start removing and replacing fuses one by one until test light goes out. That circuit is your drain. Then you need to find what is on that circuit and eliminate one by one until you find the problem.
An example would be a bad cigarette lighter. You have isolated to that circuit. Now, you would disconnect each lighter until the test light goes out. Once the bad lighter is found, you can either leave it disconnected or replace it.
Now, please bare with me and understand it has been over 10 years since I have done this and I only remember hooking a test light between the cable and the battery terminal. My memory is slightly foggy on this, but it always worked.
Pulling bulbs is futile.
You may end up having to get a factory electrical service manual to determine what all is on each circuit. You might be able to purchase one on Ebay.
The main thing right now is to find the circuit with the parasitic draw.
P.S. check your owner's manual to determine how many fuse boxes are in the car.
The only fuses you are interested in ar for constant power and not switched power. The stereo works of of ignition switched power, but the memory works from constant power for your display.
Also if fuses are not the problem, go to the circuit breakers like those for the seats and retained power.
Good luck!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello Rob. Thanks for your suggestions. I have tracked the problem down to a minifuse for the instrument panel. Any suggestions on how I can locate the problem in the panel?
That's great that you found the circuit!!
Now comes the hard part. You can try going to the local library to see if they have a factory electrical manual for your car.
If not, you will have to try Ebay or Craig's list in search of the manual. It is worth the $50 you might pay because you will find the manual useful for other events.
Something in that circuit is giving you the problem, but the only way you will know how to isolate is with a manual.
It was simple so far with the right info and it may be a simple repair. You just need to know what part of that circuit is the culprit. You may try to google "Helm." They make the manuals for you car.
If I have helped you further, please rate me.
Thanks and good luck!