Cadillac Repair: a/c, intermittent fault, electrical connection

QUESTION: 96 DeVille. Live in hot climate so a/c comes on full force. Sometimes it shuts down after a minute or two. It will usually come back on by itself in a few seconds. When it doesn't, I turn it off and then back to auto. It has always come back on. Most times it does not shut down.

ANSWER: This problem could be anything from:

Low freon.
intermittent fault in one of the pressure switches.
intermittent A/C relay.
intermittent electrical connection.

IS or HAS the CHECK ENGINE light ever iluminated when this fault occurs ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, the check engine light does not come on. Can this problem be checked by an computer or is it just replace parts until it is fixed?

NO you just don't start replacing parts until it's fixed.

I can provide you with the most common 2 faults that can cause this problem, But without having access to the vehicle, I cannot be positive as to what exactly the problem IS.

Please e-mail: [email protected]