Cadillac Repair: 1994 Caddy A/C, orfis, dash area

I have had my A/C orfis tube replaced,but now for some reason my A/C compressor won't stay on unless I trick it with a paper clip.I bought a new A/C relay but the compessor won't come on unless I trick it.Some one told mre that theres a code you must enter to reset for the compressore to owrk properly.I wqs told you have to hold down buttons on the dash area,some at once,some together at the same time.Can you help with the reset codes,or give me advise to get my A/C owrking without tricking it with a paper clip.Thank you for any help.Lenny

EXACTLY where are you installing the paper clip ?.

Are you POSITIVE that you have enough freon in the system ?.

NO, There is NO CODE to enter to make the compressor engage.

However, You MUST clear (erase) ALL the codes from the computer by using the climate control panel ONLY.

Pulling fuses and disconnecting the battery will NOT clear (erase) the codes.

Please e-mail me at: [email protected]   for the procedure to clear the codes.