QuestionQUESTION: i have a 1995 cadillac seville that wont start it doesnt turn over or
ANSWER: Does anything display in the MESSAGE CENTER ?.
Has the CHECK ENGINE light ever illuminated while driving the car before it quit ?.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: when i bought it the CHECK ENGINE was across the computer thing,i
asked them about it and they said it was because the computer just
wasnt reset, now if i turn the key it shows a MONITERING SYSTEMS and
some numbers, but only stays for about 5 seconds..... than wont do that
again for a long time, but the lights come on,the radio, the temp
outside,but the engine wont budge!!
AnswerYour problem is with the PASS-KEY SYSTEM which involves your:
ignition key.
ignition lock cylinder.
wiring from the lock cylinder to the pass-key module.
Pass-key module.
Starter relay.
You need to perform simple tests using a digital volt/ohm meter as well as electrical schematics and the test directives.
[email protected]
for further assistance as you need several pictures and this website which is NOT mine only allows 1 picture.