Cadillac Repair: Pass key malfunction, thin wires, sheathing

I just asked you about pass key problem, and i was shocked at how thorough you are!You explained how to splice in a resistor in two small white wires inside orange sheathing,about 3 inches from steering column.I think I found it, but not sure,this wire seems to have no white sheathing under orange.Could you please clarify?   Thanks,   Ray...PS...You're # 1,The Tops.


Thank you so much for your gratifying comments about my explanation. As you see, I have been involved in many of these.

The two white wires in the orange sheath can be traced at the bulkhead on the driver's side of the fire wall under the dash.

In fact, you can cut them at this connector as well and splice. Just don't cut to short. Leave about 3 inches at the bulkhead connector and splice. That way you don't have to search at the bottom of the column. These wires are unique. They are very thin wires like that you would find in telephone line. These are the only two wires this small in diameter.

If you still are having problems, go to my website and get my phone number and call me and I will walk you through it.
