QuestionQUESTION: start car in am apropx 4 to 6 miniutes car shuts off like key was turned off,restarts right away never happen again till car sits at least 8 hours even then might not happen,happens every mornig
ANSWER: Hi Craig,
I can tell you with certainty what the problem isn't. This problem has nothing to do with the anti-theft system.
You will need to get the car serviced. Possibly there is a trouble code listed in the computer.
This could be an electronic secondary ignition problem. Could be a fuel delivery problem.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: rob i am a mechanic no codes really stund on this promblem being no codes where would start your diagnostis what would you look for
AnswerHi Craig,
You must then know intermittant problems are a pain in the butt to diagnose and repair.
What happens during that 4-6 minute time frame? Does the heater blower start at that time causing a draw on the alternator?
I am not being a smart guy here. If the 4-6 minute time frame is consistent, what else is?
When is the last time you changed the fuel filter?
The fact that the engine starts right up and will not have problems for 8 hours is puzzling as well.
I wish I could give you an absolute answer. I just can't. There are far too many variables.
My brother's Lincoln started most of the time. The dealer hit him for a new fuel pump, a new key and lots of other things. $1,000.00 later he was having problems again. He slapped the right side of the dash. The engine started. He ended up changing the PCM and the PATS module. Never a problem again!!
Cars with computers can be better with gas mileage and performmance, but once you get a problem, it can be a real problem.