QuestionQUESTION: I started my car today, and a little down the road, I noticed my anti-theft light was on and my fuel gauge was completely empty. (When it's actually a full tank.) I pulled over, turned off the car, and started it back up. It was reset (which seems to happen every morning I start my car, where my clock goes crazy) and it seemed fine. About 5 more miles down the road, my radio shut off, all the interior lights shut off, and my headlights shut off. The car kept running, but I pulled over again anyway. I turned it off and on a couple times and since then it has been the same thing since I first started the car, where the fuel gauge says empty, my doors won't lock when I get over 5 miles per hour, a couple of warning lights have popped up on the dash, and a warning message has come up saying something like "check theft system." What is going on?
ANSWER: Hi Rebekkah,
On just a wild guess, it sounds like you have a BCM (Body Control Module-computer) problem.
Call around to your local automotive service centers and ask them if they have a Tech II diagnostic scanner. If so, they can plug the scanner in and test the computer. Otherwise you will have to pay the crazy prices at the Cadillac dealer.
I would recommend getting this done quickly because of all the things you are saying are not functioning, it may quit running too.
The anti-theft indicator sounds like just an after affect problem as are the headlights, locks, radio etc.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Ok, I had the computer in my Cadillac scanned. Three codes came up - U1000, class 2 data link malfunction...U1064, loss of communication with dash integration module...and U1016, loss of communication with power control module. Is all this bad?! Is this going to drain my account to get fixed?
Yes, it sounds like it is going to be a costly repair.
These vehicles are wonderful new. They have all the creature comforts and most people do not look at future repair costs.
These days, its not just a Cadillac, Mercedes or a Porsche.
You could have a Ford Focus or a Chevy Cavilier. It doesn't matter. They are all computer controlled. Electronics fail in all of them and at that time, very costly to repair.
Now, in your case, one problem may lead to all three.
Unfortunately, when more than one code comes up, its like the shell game and a guess.
If the Power train Control Module is replaced, it may cause the other problems from the codes to go away. It may not.
Please do not look at my answer as the absolute fix and it is just a guess on my part, but I would opt to have the PCM changed and hopefully lost communication will be restored.
I have not priced PCMs lately, but you should get one from the dealer for about $300.00 and no more than 2 hours labor.
There is always ebay as well and if you get one from there, it should give you install instructions, so you may be able to install yourself.
Good luck!