Cadillac Repair: 96 Deville blower motor will not stop, fan blower, electronic module

When I turn my car off the blower fan stays on? what could be the cause of this? Is there a control module for this?

Hi John,

It's funny you should ask being a just answered a question similar on a 1986 Cadillac.
These problems are not my expertise, but I have owned enough and repaired enough and been around enough Cadillasc to see what I feel were common problems.

Since I am not looking at the car, obviously I can't diagnose. What I saw to be a common problem for 20 years in the Cadillac fan blower controls was a problem with the electronic module under the hood on the passenger side, near the cowl.

This module is a couple hundred bucks and I don't want to tell you that is the absolute problem.

If you find that to be the problem, I would be glad to give you information on a relatively quick and easy way to bypass the module, but the down side is that you will only have one blower speed--Hi and it would be turned on and off by a toggle.

For the time being you need to get the blower turned off because not only will put additional use on the blower, but it will drain your battery. For the mean time, find the fuse and remove when you park the car.
