Cadillac Repair: 2001 Cadillac Catera Speed Sensitive Steering, cadillac catera, power steering fluid

We regret the day we bought this vehicle!  We've had nothing but problems.  The latest is the steering.  The power steering does not work unless you step on the gas.  Therefore, if I am turning a corner and take my foot off the gas to brake, my power steering is gone, and I have to really struggle to turn the wheel.  (Not a safe situation.)  I see in the manual that the car has Speed Sensitive Steering which is supposed to do the opposite--i.e. make turning the wheel easier when going slow and harder when going fast. I've had many battery problems along the way, and am wondering if this Speed Sensitive Steering could have been a casualty of that.  Is there any way to reset it?-Or do you have any other recommendations to get my power steering working?  (I already checked the power steering fluid to make sure it's at the proper level.)
Thanks for your help!

ANSWER: IS or HAS the CHECK ENGINE light on the dash ever illuminated while driving the vehicle ?.

Are you getting any messages from the MESSAGE CENTER ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The CHECK ENGINE light is ALWAYS on!  We've taken the car to the Caddy dealer many times--they turn it off briefly, then it comes back on.  It has pretty much been on constantly for a couple years and no one can figure out why.
No message from the Message Center.
[Does anyone want to buy a Cadillac? :) ]  

Do you remember what the CODE was ?. Look on your receipts and see if they wrote down the code that is being displayed. If you would like you can either e-mail a copy of the Cadillac dealers receipts so I can see if they put down what code they are getting.

E-mail: [email protected]