QuestionI am a novice and am trying to replace a set of spark plugs ona 93 Cadilac Deville- The wires on the front of the engine block are evident- The remaining 4 wires are harder to see- Is there much other stuff that needs to be removaed to access the four remaining wires?
AnswerHi David,
These are not fun to tune up!!!
I recommend you get a small piece of vacuum hose that fits over the tip of the spark plug. The hose should be a couple of inches long.
If you are changing the wires I suppose you can cut a spark plug wire and use the boot. The purpose is to use the hose or the boot as a guide to start to thread the plug in.
I am not sure on the Deville, but I have done Grand Ams and the like, and you will probably take skin off your hands!
The only thing I can think of that you might have to remove is possibly the upper part of the air cleaner assembly. If you can get to these rear plugs without removing anything go for it!
You will find the wires don't just pull off. You really should get a wire set because chances are real good that you will damage them. You will need to twist the wires from left to right and pull away from the plug. You will not have room to use a spark plug wire removal tool. The wires stick to the spark plug. Being as you have very limited room between the firewall and the plugs, it will make this operation very difficult.
Once the rear wires are off, you may have to use a flex socket with an extension.
Do these one at a time. Once the wire is off and the spark plug is removed take your hose or spark plug boot and use it to start threading the plug. Make sure you don't strip the plug threads. You should be able to tighten the plug almost all the way with the boot. Be careful, because you can snap off the plug when tightening.
Replace the wire and go to the next.
If you have the money, I would recommend having the tune up done for you. Its worth the money!!!!
You do not have to go to a dealer and a local garage can do it.
Be prepared to do a lot of cussing and swearing if you do it yourself!
Good Luck,